Senin, 26 September 2011

Musketeer OST~♪

yaay dapet OST nya musketeer dari seoarang temen yang baik hati hehe (*^▽^)/
overall lagu nya enak sih OP song nya juga enak ( ゚▽゚)/~
ada BGM nya Athos-san n Porthos-kun  kyaa~~ O(≧∇≦)O
If you want this OST just leave a message/comment on this post and I will share it with you thanks m(._.)mアリガト

3 komentar:

  1. hello there~ I don't know to speak Bahasa Indonesia XD even though we're neighbour in country term.

    I really like Musketeer ^^ I LOVE HATANO WATARU LOLOLOL XD
    If it's okay with you can I have it? :3
    I'm a hardcore otome gamer xDD

  2. Hello~ ( ゚▽゚)/
    wow its nice to meet fellow otome gamer XD
    I sent the links into your inbox so check it out ;)

  3. o_o" omg. THANK YOU so much XDDD
    I didn't think you would give it randomly to RANDOM STALKER like me XD
    thank you so much >3<*hugs*
